Responsible social commitment is of primary importance for ZENIT® Logisztikai Eszközök Kereskedőháza Kft., as its social and cultural environment may determine the efficiency of the company in the long run. Our company basically provides help in two areas:
The professional support of students of technical and economic higher education institutions, in the form of consultations helping the creation of professional materials and case studies, in addition, our colleagues regularly provide thesis evaluation as external consultants.
  • The comparative analysis of rack storage technologies at Pannunion Csomagolóanyag Kft. –
    Berky István, 2007
  • Barcode technical support of the Kanban system - Kovács Attila, 2009
  • The presentation of advanced automated Commodity Description techniques and technologies supporting and facilitating the logistics processes in the entire supply chain (SCM) - Nagy Balázs, 2009
  • Introducing modern storage systems at Linamar Hungary Nyrt. - Libor Ágnes, 2009
  • Examining the application of racking systems for - Szalay Mónika, 2010
  • A comparison of using FIFO rack systems, flow rack systems and traditional racks - Bajkó Sándor, 2010

Supporting public benefit and charitable organizations (e.g.: the Hungarian Red Cross), primarily by donating appliances.

Adományozó oklevél

Our social commitment is also reflected in the Company’s efforts to reduce activities adversely affecting the environment, so our printed catalogue is prepared exclusively from recycled materials.